Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lampson Deserves our Thanks

Now that the election is over and Pete Olsen has been elected (I have almost gotten over the sign theft) I think everyone should thank Nick Lampson for all he has done for our county. While the republicans are congratulating themselves on electing Mr. Olsen, I would like to point out what we have lost. We have lost a representative who had seniority. We have lost a representative who was on the major committees which impacted our community and his constituents. We have lost a representative who met with more of his constituents in two years than his predessor did in his entire tenure. We have lost a representative who had the ear of the leadership. What was his failure, other than apparently having a D next to his name? The biggest complaint I heard was that he voted conservative, and (gasp) he voted as his constituents wanted. The comment was that it was all part of some big plan to keep him in office. I always thought that was what our representatives were supposed to do. So regardless of your party affiliation or who your "guy" was, I think we all should thank Nick Lampson for all he has done over the last two years. As for our new representative, Mr. Olsen, my hope is that you can keep the same lines of communication open with your constituents, but be careful, voting as your constituents want can be hazardous to your re-election.

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