Thursday, March 26, 2009

Texas Supreme Court protects drunk drivers

Texas Supreme Court protects drunk drivers. Shocked you should be. Here is how they do it. You work hard, pay your taxes, insurance premiums including uninsured/underinsured coverage. You are driving along and suddenly a drunk driver going the wrong way on a one way road hits you head on, or hits you from behind while you are stopped at a red light, or runs you down in a parking lot. The drunk is arrested and taken to jail, you go to the hospital and thousands of dollars later (not to mention the pain) you find out the drunk either does not have insurance or not enough. What do you do, you do what everyone would do you make a claim on that insurance you have paid for all those years. I mean that is why you have paid the insurance company thousands of dollars for just this type of thing. What does the insurance company do? Pay the claim which they know they owe, of course not. Thanks to our Texas Supreme Court they deny the claim because the person injured by the drunk has not had a Court determine that the drunk was a fault and what the damages are. Understand that your insurance is essentially now the drunks since they had none or not enough, and even though the drunk is arrested (and maybe even already convicted) and you have proven thousands and thousands of dollars in medical bills, they get a free pass to delay your claim for potentially years thanks to our Drunk and Insurance protecting Supreme Court. Isn't it time that the citizens of Texas who do work hard, pay their bills, drive responsibly and pay for insurance coverage come first? I am sick and tired of having to tell families who have had their lives destroyed by these drunk drivers that now their own insurance company with the blessing of our Supreme Court can force them through ligitation just to get what should be paid without even having to hire a lawyer. What's your thought?


Anonymous said...

I think it is horrible that an insurance company can get away with doing this to victims. When are we, the people of Texas, going to reclaim our rights. I keep hearing about people's rights being protected but it seems that the good citizens who are just going about their business and innocently being harmed are then victimized even more by insurance companies who are only interested in padding their overly deep pockets. When will we wake up and see that we need to speak up and change these laws? Drunk drivers should have a minimum of $100,000 liability policy if they have been convicted on a prior DUI/DWI charge and the Insurance company should have to pay that to the victim immediately. This would be the RIGHT thing for the people. It would also cut down on the money being paid out by the Victims compensation fund. Come on everyone - SPEAK OUT!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

mom of child killed by drunk driver

Melissa said...

I agree with the prior poster, but will add that there should be more to punishment than just a minimum liability policy of 100,000.00. There should be no Driver's License for 1 year, a Breathalizer installed in every vehicle that is accessible on the policyies held, provided by the Insurance Company before a policy is issued. If an insurance company wants to insure a DUI/DWI person, they should also require that person to have Breathalizers and Fingerprint Ignition Start in all of the vehicles on the policy, as well as any other policy held by the said DUI/DWI's spouse or children, if applicable. One might think that's overboard, but when it comes to an innocent life, is it really too much to ask of these high- powered, able monopolies? Such Fingerprint Technology is already is use on laptops and home entry security devices. How hard would it be other than passing legislation to get this technology in a motor vehicle?